
I love working in my shop and creating something myself.  In the last 20 years I’ve tried a lot of different woodworking plans and tools.  If you’re interested in woodworking, but don’t have a lot of experience, here are some recommendations:

  1.  Don’t buy cheap tools!  I’ve shopped at the discount import store too, but most of my purchases have been a mistake.  There’s a reason you can buy an oscillating multitool there for $30.  When I buy tools, I do a lot of research and try to find the best for the money.  Here are some I’ve researched and recommend:  (More to come, I’m still learning how to do this).
  2. Use good plans.  Now, you may not know what a good plan is at the beginning, but it will quickly become clear.  If you’re surfing the web for free plans for something you’re going to spend time and money to build, well, you usually get what you pay for.  One of the best places to get good, reliable, well thought out, and easy to follow plans is  here:  http://d8f4d8inlf-2y6fjn14jz0ve16.hop.clickbank.net/